Here’s what you need to know to obtain Health Insurance…
- Deadlines 2021 Coverage
Enroll by Thursday December 31st for coverage starting January 1, 2021.
- Who is eligible to use Nevada Health Link?
To be eligible to enroll in Nevada Health Link, you must live in Nevada, be a U.S. Citizen or national (or be lawfully present), and not be incarcerated.
- Two kinds of coverage
Depending on income, you may qualify for an insurance plan with tax credits or for no tax credit plans.
- What plans cover
All plans cover essential health benefits, pre – existing conditions, and preventative services.
5. Things to do before canceling your current insurance
- Fill any outstanding prescriptions before terminating your coverage with your current carrier.
6. Other things that will be needed
- Proof of Prior Coverage (If you are enrolling as a Qualifying Life Event) this not needed during Open Enrollment.
- Identification information for all household members. (Date of Births and SSN)
- Household income for all household members for subsidy seeking customers.
- Do you have any preferred providers in Nevada?
Please give us a call at (702) 258-1995 to schedule a phone, in person or zoom appointment to speak with an agent now!