Qualifying Life Events for Special Enrollment
Special Enrollment Periods (SEP) do not apply if you lost coverage due to unpaid premiums, fraud, or intentional misrepresentation. You can report a loss of qualifying health coverage up to 60 days before it ends. If enrolling in Marketplace coverage for the first time, you may need to provide documentation.
Qualifying Life Events:
Loss of Health Coverage
- Job-based coverage loss
- Loss of Medicaid or NV Check UP
- Loss of Medicare
- Expiration of an off-Marketplace plan
- Turning 26 and aging out of a parent’s plan
Household Changes
- Marriage
- Divorce or legal separation
- Birth, adoption, or foster care placement
Residency Changes (Only if you had prior qualifying coverage for at least one day in the past 60 days, with some exceptions)
- Moving to a new service area
- Moving to the U.S.
- Moving to/from school, seasonal employment, or a shelter
(Moving for medical treatment or vacation does not qualify.)
Other Qualifying Events
- Domestic abuse or spousal abandonment
- Gaining U.S. legal status
- American Indian/Alaska Native status
- Change in financial eligibility
- Release from incarceration
- Corrections to name, birthdate, or Social Security number