Welcome to Nevada!

Here’s what you need to know to obtain Health Insurance…

  1. Deadlines 2021 Coverage

                 Enroll by Thursday December 31st for  coverage starting January 1, 2021.

  1. Who is eligible to use Nevada Health Link?

                 To be eligible to enroll in Nevada Health Link, you must live in Nevada, be a U.S. Citizen or national (or be lawfully present), and not be incarcerated.

  1. Two kinds of coverage

                Depending on income, you may qualify for an insurance plan with tax credits or for no tax credit plans.

  1. What plans cover

                All plans cover essential health benefits, pre – existing conditions, and preventative services.

     5. Things to do before canceling your current insurance

  • Fill any outstanding prescriptions before terminating your coverage with your current carrier.

6. Other things that will be needed

  • Proof of Prior Coverage (If you are enrolling as a Qualifying Life Event) this not needed during Open Enrollment.
  • Identification information for all household members. (Date of Births and SSN)
  • Household income for all household members for subsidy seeking customers.
  • Do you have any preferred providers in Nevada?


Please give us a call at (702) 258-1995 to schedule a phone, in person or zoom appointment to speak with an agent now!

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Denied Medicaid in Nevada?

If you are denied Medicaid in Nevada, you can: Re-apply You can reapply for Medicaid if you were denied for a legitimate reason. For example, you

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