It’s open enrollment time! You have your appointment scheduled with an agent and are ready to go. But wait! What do you bring? This is a very common question. Below is a list to help guide you through on what you must have with you if you are wanting to enroll.
If anything is missing your agent will not be able to enroll you at that time.
Please note that appointments are only 15 mins, make the best of it!
- Information about you and your household: Mailing addresses – birth dates – valid Nevada driver license or Nevada ID – social security cards or know the SSN for each member in the household.
- Documents for anyone in the household that is a legal immigrant or naturalized citizen.
- If you are wanting to apply for a subsidy (tax credit) through the Marketplace we will need an estimate on your household’s gross income for the year you’ll be covered. It’s ok to make your best estimate. If your income changes, or is different than what you estimated, we can update this information later.
- If applying through the Marketplace, income verification will be needed. This can be in the form of previous year tax return, pay stubs or W-2s for example. What is classified as income? See below:
- Wages and salaries, as reported on your W-2 form and pay stubs
- Tips
- Net income from any self-employment or business
- Unemployment compensation
- Social Security payments, including disability payments (but not Supplemental Security Income (SSI))
- Alimony
- Retirement or pension income, including most IRA or 401k withdrawals
- Investment income, like dividends or interest
- Rental income
- Other taxable income